Microsoft is aiming to use an AI program to preserve the world’s cultures in the coming years. Technology may have its number of advantages and benefits, however, it also has disadvantages and one of those is culture destruction. Without any fear that artificial intelligence (AI) can lead to the end of human history, it is now the goal of Microsoft to record and protect cultural history with its help. The prediction of losing 50-90% of endangered languages can now be prevented.

Key Takeaways:

1. Brad Smith, a top lawyer and President of Microsoft, has already announced a new “AI for Good” plan addressing the cultural heritage, environment, and humanitarian issues.

2. Its cultural heritage program will use AI, together with the government and other agencies, to preserve languages, places, and cultural artifacts.

3. Some of the endangered languages included in this project are Yucatec Maya and Querétaro Otomi.

Quote: “We’ve realized that this work deserves more than a handful of projects. That’s why we’re bringing these efforts together in a more comprehensive program that will explore and pursue new opportunities with institutions around the world.” (Tung, 2019)

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